Nicholson-Hardie’s newest garden design – by Bob Wilson

In the above garden plan, colors do not represent actual bloom colors; instead they are merely a tool to help distinguish between areas of like and unlike planted flowers. Dots within these colored shapes represent placement of invidual plants. Plan is not drawn to scale.
A: Black Eyed Susan (Rubeckia hybrids)
Blooms: summer. Colors: yellow. Height: 2-3′. Perennial.
B: Summer Phlox (Phlox paniculata)
Blooms: summer. Colors: white, pink, blue, red. Height: 3-4′. Perennial.
C: Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Blooms: fall. Colors: red. Height: 4′. Perennial.
D: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii)
Blooms: summer. Colors: white, purple, lavender. Height: 4-5′. Perennial.
E: Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Blooms: summer. Colors: rosey purple. Height: 3-4′. Perennial.
F: Tropical Butterfly Weed (Asclepias currasavica)
Blooms: summer, fall. Colors: white, pink, lavender, red. Height: 2-3′. Annual.
G: Hardy Blue Fall Aster (Aster oblongifolia)
Blooms: fall. Colors: blue. Height: 3-4′. Perennial.
H: Egyptian Star Flower (Penta Lanceolata)
Blooms: summer, fall. Colors: white, pink, lavender, red. Height: 2-3′. Annual.
I: Daylily Stella D’Oro (Hemeracallis spp.)
Blooms: summer. Colors: yellow. Height: 1′. Perennial.
J: Showy Stonecrop (Sedum x spectabiles)
Blooms: fall. Colors: coral, pink. Height: 1 1/2′. Perennial.
K: Frikarti Aster (Aster x frakati)
Blooms: summer. Colors: blue. Height: 1 1/2′. Perennial.
L: Spreading Lantana (Lantana hybrids)
Blooms: summer, fall. Colors: white, yellow, lavender. Height: 1 1/2′. Perennial.
M: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Blooms: summer, fall. Colors:blue. Height: 2′. Perennial.
N: Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber)
Blooms: summer. Colors: red. Height: 2′. Perennial.
O: Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina)
Blooms: spring. Colors: yellow, pink, red. Height: 1 1/2′. Perennial.
P: Heliotrope, dwarf (Heliotrope arborescens)
Blooms: summer. Colors: purple. Height: 1 1/2′. Annual.
Q: Ox-Eyed Daisy (Chrysanthemum spp.)
Blooms: spring. Colors: white. Height: 2′. Perennial.
There are many other flowers that can be used in this garden plan. Some other plants that attract butterflies are zinnia, cosmos, marigold, verbena, and gayfeather. This garden plan is to be used as a general guide. Varying sizes of plant material are available at Nicholson-Hardie, although not all selections may be available at one time.