The above garden plan is to be used as a general guide. It is not drawn to scale. Dots within the shapes represent placement of individual plants. Varying sizes of plant material are available at Nicholson-Hardie, although not all selections may be available at one time. Nicholson-Hardie will install any garden plan for you! Email us and describe what you want! We will give you a phone call to begin planning your new garden!
A: Hardy Blue Aster
B: Black Eyed Susan
C: Candy Tuft
D: Texas Gold Columbine
E: Moonbeam Coreopsis
F: Ox Eyed Daisy
G: Dwarf Maiden Hair Grass
H: Morden’s Gleam Lythrum
I: Wood Sorrel Oxalis
J: Brazos Penstemon
K: Mt. Fugi Phlox
L: Purple Cone Flower
M: Salvia farinacea
N: Sedum x spectabiles
O: Blue Creeping Thrift