Christmas Tree care tips

Christmas Tree Care

The Goal — To assure the highest level of freshness possible. Cut Christmas Trees, like any flower, branch or stem brought indoors for us to enjoy, has a limited shelf life. What we do to enhance their environment can contribute to how long they stay fresh and attractive. Below are some tips we have used over the years […]

Christmas Greenery & Wreaths Care Tips

Most greenery care tips are intuitive. Greenery, like any cut flower, has a definite freshness window. Some ideas that will help you broaden the window for your Christmas wreaths, heavy garland, roping and boughs are listed below.



Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) Great bulb for indoor forcing. Plant in a pot that is 4″ bigger than the bulb diamter. Trim off roots that have dried up. Place in pot with neck of bulb showing above soil all the way to half of the bulb showing above soil, which ever way you prefer. Water it thoroughly. After that, do […]

Azaleas – Growing in Dallas

Dallas Azaleas

There are about 800 species of Azaleas and over 10,000 named varieties available. They can be evergreen like the Kurume Group, to deciduous, like the native yellows. The most proven types for Dallas have been the Kurume: Snow-White, Hino-Crimson, Hinodegiri (rose red), Coral Bells (pink), Christmas Cheer (opal red), and the Southern Indicas: Formosa (magenta), Judge Solomon (watermelon Pink), […]


Orange Roses

Buy good roses. Every book you read about roses will start out by telling you to be sure and buy quality plants. The roses we sell are grown by are grown by a variety of well selected producers.  All our plants are #1s. Types of Roses Hybrid Teas will grow 4’ to 6’ tall and have the […]



Orchids are the youngest flowering plants in terms of evolutionary history. They are the largest plant family with 10,000 to 30,000 species and more than 70,000 hybrids. Most orchids come from Asiatic regions and are most commonly found growing in trees. You don’t have to have a greenhouse or climate controlled area to grow them. Below are listed […]



There is nothing quite like peonies when they are in bloom! Wide ranges of colors exist but usually they are in shades of red, pink and white. Flowers are often 4″ to 6″ across, but can be smaller or larger. Numerous different flower types have resulted from centuries of breeding and selection. The most common forms are double […]

Herb Garden

Herb Garden

The above garden plan is to be used as a general guide. It is not drawn to scale. Varying sizes of plant material are available at Nicholson-Hardie, although not all selections may be available at one time. Hints for Success with Growing Herbs